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coupon gives user right to a financial discount or rebate when purchasing a product. A coupon can take many forms, such as single use rebate coupons, loyalty cards, reward coupons, limited coupons etc. All these should be treated equally by the app.

HTML based content is some content that is displayed in the in-app web browser, for example games, surveys and weblink images. Common to all these content types is that user is presented with an image that works like a button to open the HTML content.

Shop offer: a content object that end users can buy. Purchasing these items will trigger issue of related content, eg. coupons or gift card balance top up.

TransactionID is an ID generated by the caller for these functions. The TransactionID should be unique for each call for a give ScheduleId.

Any field that is marked with Deprecated, is obsolete but is present to maintain backwards compatibility. It can at any moment be removed from this API, and shouldn't be used

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