Parameter | Description | Data type |
CampaignId | Unique Id for the campaign. One campaign can be linked to several schedules. | Integer |
CampaignName | Name of the campaign. | String |
ScheduleId | Unique Id of the schedule linked to the campaign. | Integer |
ScheduleDescription | Name of the schedule. | String |
ScheduleOwner | Name of the customer that created the schedule. | String |
MediaType | Indicates whether the coupon was issued on App, SMS or as a Codes campaign. | String |
Customer | Unique Id for the customer owner of the campaign. | Integer |
Country | Customer's country of operation. | String |
StoreRef | Unique Id of the store in which the coupon validation has been made. | String |
StoreName | Name of the store in which the validation has been made. | String |
POSRef | Unique Id of the POS used in the transaction. | String |
OperatorRef | An anonymous identifier for the cashier using the cash register. | String |
TransRef | Unique Id of the transaction. | String |
DateTime | Local time of the validation. | String |
DateTimeUTC | UTC time of the validation. | String |
ValueCode | Unique coupon code that has been validated. | String |
UserReference | The unique and persistent ID that identifies User that has validated the coupon. | String |
ExtParam | The external parameter passed to the POS for this validation. For customers with Promotion ID based POS integration, this contains the POS settings of the campaign, eg. a Promotion ID and/or Tender ID. | String |
MerchantRemuneration | The monetary value that the merchant should be compensated per coupon redemption. Any handling fee that the merchant should be compensated for. It is independent of the merchant remuneration | Number |
HandlingFee | A secondary monetary value that the merchant should be compensated per coupon redemption. | Number |
RebateValue | Rebate value applied when Coupon was validated. Value of the price reduction. | Number |
TenderValue | Tender value applied when Coupon was validated. Value of the price reduction given as means of payment. | Number |
TotalValue | The total value of the complete receipt where this coupon was used. | Number |
ValidationCount | Counter that indicates number of times this coupon has been validated. | Integer |
ExternalRef | Reference received from third party when coupons have been issued using Coupon API - Issue request or if content has been sent manually. | String |